
Push Hard Multisport News for 05-22-2018

Should Recovery Be A Daily Focus? As we begin to examine the various recovery options available to athletes, I can’t help but begin with my top pick, cryotherapy. My down time after a long race is noticeably shorter after a cryotherapy session. I began to notice that many cryotherapy providers were offering a daily cryotherapy […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-21-2018

Wetsuit-Bike-Trainers Here we are, almost mid August and no races done or planned for this month. Apart from training as usual which includes plenty of running and some Strength and Core workouts, some friends and I decided to make it interesting and do a 30 day challenge. The great thing about it is that six […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-20-2018

Stronger, Faster, Longer After my last post, I had my last week of class at GMU and my final exam for my last prerequisite for vet school, Public Speaking. The purpose of our last speech was to persuade our classmates to make a donation to a charity and then everyone voted on the best speech, […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-19-2018

Confessions of a Closet Athlete: Central Valley Triathlon Club We’ve all struggled in one or more aspects of triathlon, but we continue to work on our weak points to get better. Quite a few people have told me that they would like to do a triathlon but that they can’t swim…don’t worry, we’ve got two […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-18-2018

Sligo Triathlon Club: June 2011 Mc Lynn had a decent bike but mouse was disappointed with his time. The run basically starts at sea level and rises to over the first5 k. There was 470 feet of elevation gain. You turn around and run back 5 k back down to sea level. My plan was […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-17-2018

jendoestri It’s 2016 team application time! This is the time of year when teams and brands select the athletes they will partner with for 2016. If after doing your due diligence you are still unsure about the application process, reach out to the team and ask! Many teams accept athletes of all abilities and don’t […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-16-2018

Directory We focus on ALL elements of swimming, specialising in transferring pool based swimming into an openwater swimming. We work with every level of swimmer, from water phobic swimmers to advance elite swimmers and triathletes. Swim for Tri is lead by open water specialist swimmer and Speedo accredited coach Dan Bullock. Pete offers a range […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-15-2018

the run detroit blog We found the time to have our 5th annual New Years eve fun run. Pre-register by contacting us through the comments section of the run detroit blog, https://rundetroit. Rundetroit attempted to go for a run on the island, only to be chased by multiple dogs, cutting my run short and instead […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-14-2018

mofitness chicago MoFitness, Inc. was started in 2006 by personal trainer, Maureen Serpe. Maureen is a native of Chicago, Illinois, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Loyola University of Chicago, certification in personal training from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Equinox Fitness Training Institute. Maureen first gained behavioral […]

Push Hard Multisport News for 05-13-2018

IRONMITCH: Triathlete Magazine’s Memoirs of an Ironman Cooling down on the track after a run today – I was struck by an image. Granted, I had taken my camera with me on my run in search of images for this blog posting. It was the pipe that runs down the length of the field separating […]