Runtastic Success Stories: How 5 Employees Changed Their Lives We’re prepared to go the extra mile again next year, and I’m convinced that we’ll provide our users with the best products and experiences. Florian Gschwandtner, CEO. This year is going to be different. Every year we are disappointed to find that the year has not […]
Push Hard Multisport News for 03-28-2018
Planning For BTF Age Group Qualification for Triathlon Duathlon At the same time I tend to train a lot and compete a little; so I fairly carefully plan HOW I am going to qualify, just in case. Couple of reasons: at the time of writing qualification is NOT quite complete; a sprint event is popular; […]
Push Hard Multisport News for 03-25-2018
triathlon scotland – Debbie Moore Tris I am ashamed to admit I haven’t done any real sessions outside on the bike. My favourite session of the whole camp was a near 40 mile cycle that consisted of 90s max/60s max/30s max, with 60s recovery, then a 10 minute individual TT effort. We worked quite a […]