Should Recovery Be A Daily Focus?
As we begin to examine the various recovery options available to athletes, I can’t help but begin with my top pick, cryotherapy. My down time after a long race is noticeably shorter after a cryotherapy session. I began to notice that many cryotherapy providers were offering a daily cryotherapy session schedule to their clients. This made me curious about the benefits of integrating recovery methods, such as cryotherapy, into my own daily routine. As I learned more about the company itself, it quickly became clear that CryoPure Spa was unique in the field of recovery. Most runners have tried cryotherapy at least once but have not found a way, or the time, to fit it into a daily or weekly routine. The Polakows and their professional team at CryoPure Spa have put together a recovery plan for me over the course of the next eight weeks to aid in my endurance training and recovery. In my previous cryotherapy treatments, I have stopped the session at the 2:30 and 2:40 marks, when I can’t bear the coldness anymore. CryoPure Spa has a great staff, is in a convenient location and offers a multitude of recovery treatments for athletes and non-athletes alike. Definitely keep track of us on social media as this runner embarks on an eight-week recovery journey with CryoPure Spa.
A Near-Fatal Motorcycle Crash Changes An Actor’s Life, but Not His Refusal to Wear a Helmet
Looking at him, there isn’t a clue that five months ago he almost lost his life in a motorcycle crash and required two hours of neurosurgery to remove blood clots between his skull and brain. To hear Busey, 44, tell it, he is a changed man-more at peace with himself than after he survived a near-fatal car accident when he was 22, or after he was nominated for an Oscar in 1978 for his performance in The Buddy Holly Story, or after he overcame addictions lo cocaine and alcohol only four years ago. To the distress of Busey’s wife, Judy, and their 17-year-old son, Jake, one thing that hasn’t changed is Busey’s love of motorcycles and his refusal to wear a helmet while riding. Busey spoke with correspondent Jack Kelley about his near-fatal accident and his controversial stand. Every motorcycle rider thinks about the possibility of an accident. People ask me if I regret not having a helmet on the day of the accident. The only thing I regret was having the accident in the first place. Back in April I put on my helmet and sat on the bike, but I just felt like I couldn’t see and I couldn’t hear. I think everyone who buys a bike for the first time should have to take a training course and wear a helmet during the training. Dealing with the accident has given me my life back.
Busy Schedules for Busy Athletes
As we get closer to race season and the workouts start to increase in duration, it becomes more and more important to manage your schedule well. The best thing you can do to help yourself make sure you get in your workouts is to schedule them on your calendar. Every Sunday night, I look at my training plan and schedule out my workouts for the coming week. Look at your workouts for the day and everything else you have going on and figure out where the workouts will fit. Once you schedule all your workouts, treat them like any other appointment. Even though you’re probably doing most of your workouts on your own, you still need to hold yourself accountable. If you start letting things slip and moving them a little later and a little later, you’ll start to develop bad habits and eventually you’ll start missing workouts. Finally, if you’re still struggling getting everything in, you can give yourself a checklist of your workouts for the week. Remember, endurance is built through the weekly total workload just as much as it is built through the long workouts on the weekend. If you need to change the schedule on the fly, move workouts around as necessary, but still try to get them all in and keep in mind that shortening a workout is better than skipping it entirely.
Triathlon – Along the Way
In 2012, cyclists were hit and killed at the rate of 2 per day in the US. Pedestrians at a much higher rate. As a whole, there may be a few idiotic cyclists vs. the overwhelming majority that ride safely, but there is a far, far, far larger population of drivers that drive carelessly and with little thought to safety when behind the wheel. Having once seen a cyclist do something stupid doesn’t give you a permit to hit the next one you see. Taking cyclists out of the picture for a moment I submit that if you can’t see what is ahead of you on the road, you should probably SLOW DOWN. But heaven forbid drivers ever slow down or *GASP* pull over if needed. If you choose to continue to drive like an idiot and run down a pedestrian or one of those evil, law-breaking cyclists, fear not. We have all seen pedestrians and cyclists putting themselves in harm’s way. One study in Oregen, shows 94 percent of cyclists stop at red lights. For the most part a cyclist’s greatest fear is getting hit by a car. At least one State and several local municipalities have changed their laws to allow cyclists to treat stop signs as a yield. Cyclists should be held accountable for violating the law at least to the same level of scrutiny as motor vehicles.
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