Nutrition Guidelines
Bike12 oz of plain water during first 20-30 minutes of bike. If you are not going to drink the race Gatorade, plan to eat your gels with water in between aid stations and have those bottles finished by the time you get to an aid station. Plan of GU and sports drink will be to alternate, just like on the bike. With Gel take in the water, and without the Gel take in the Gatorade. If you are going to use your own sports drink, you will need more of it than you can carry in bottles. Mark off serving sizes on the bottle, and then you can add one serving to an empty bottle + water from the aid stations. Your bike will be lighter, and you will have your special drink! BUT, you must practice this and be very careful how you mix and measure your drink – too rich and you will get GI distress, too thin and you won’t get enough calories. After your initial 20 minutes with just plain water,1st 20 minutes: one serving Gel + at least 8 oz of water. 2nd 20 minutes: half bottle of sports drink3rd 20 minutes: one serving of Gel + at least 8 oz of water. Total liquid intake per hour should be 1.5-1.75 bottles of water or sports drink per hour.
kuparisaari tri
He decided to do his first triathlon at the age of 31 after watching the Ironman on TV. His most memorable race is the Bud Light USTS Chicago Triathlon in 1986, where he got Dave Scott’s autograph and chatted with him after the race. I think that I can visualize a triathlon race course in a particular setting. In 1992 my wife, Jan, and I saw the possibility of staging a triathlon in Copper Harbor. We put on the race for several years and then passed the race on to someone new. Last year the race sold out under the new management. A few years ago, I started to see the possibility of staging a long-course race in the Keweenaw. My idea was to put on a half iron distance race using the same venue as the Copperman, maybe even on the same weekend. We agreed on staging the race in Lac LaBelle instead of Copper Harbor, especially after I saw the State marina and dock in Lac LaBelle. With so much two-track in the area, racers are bound to end up with some extraordinary views of Lake Superior, not necessarily at lakeshore level. If you plan on racing, it’s never too early to start training, which is why we wanted to help get the word out early.
triathlon training
My bags were already packed with a selection of training gear, so I downed my porridge, loaded up my bike and hit the road. Shades on, Beach Boys on the radio, heading north into the sunshine along beside the bright blue sea. Not before I’d nearly come a cropper, sliding down the stone steps on my cleats. A scoot onto the bike and off down the country roads, skimming by yellow fields, dashing through dappled sunlight on tree lined lanes. Pushing up a steep hill and feeling much more confident about dropping down the gears. Loving the sound effects as we drop and float down hill, faster than I’ve ever been on my road bike. Then I fall back for a while and emerge at a junction to see Ann down in the middle of the road laughing. Cautious of my twingy calf, I drop down the gears and spin towards the back of the pack. My usual rides are around 20-25k and this will be more like 30, but it’s never felt less like training and more like fun. A couple more walking breaks, but I do keep on moving and even find my legs for a while back on the road again. The truth is that I don’t have to pin it down in words to hold it in my mind forever.
Sanjay and triathlon: A Reset button – The Chart
08:41 AM ET. Since January, six iReporters have been training in the Fit Nation Triathlon Challenge. We’re following along as they prepare to compete alongside Dr. Sanjay Gupta in the August 7 Nautica NYC Triathlon. A couple of years ago, I was worried I had become too complacent and full of too many excuses. Remarkably, despite adding another significant time commitment, I found I was getting more done in my life overall. That’s the thing about making big changes in your life. It can cause significant unexpected and positive changes, in places you least expect it. Kendrick Henley works in the health care profession, yet had a hard time eating anything other than fast food. Stasia Cirricione is just 23 years old and wanted to make changes not only for herself, but also for her husband. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the latest stories from CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and the CNN Medical Unit producers. They’ll share news and views on health and medical trends – info that will help you take better care of yourself and the people you love.
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